$40k months without feeling icky

I used to be a tax accountant making less than $40,000 a year. 
This past November I smashed way past that in 30 days thanks exclusively to leads from Instagram.
Everything changed when I gathered the courage to start consulting full time. And now I want to teach you how.
Due to popular demand I’m hosting CTRL+Refresh Workshop again!
CTRL + Refresh Insta is a 120 minute workshop where I’ll share my proven HOP Method with you to get you more DMs, more sales and help you get over the dreaded question “what should I post today”
Inside we’ll cover:
Core Messaging & Solidifying Your Stories: learn my very own HOP Method for developing winning Instagram posts every time. Never not know what to post to bring in sales and subscribers.
Cull the crap you don’t need: eliminate the low-value content and focus on game-changing Instagram videos and posts that bring in sales and DMs
Sell on your posts: Unlock low-key influence skills for driving sales from curious followers – no hard pitching required.
Nail Engagement: Learn positioning and engagement strategies to get your 2024 Instagram content seen by exponentially more potential buyers daily.
I won’t just be teaching either, there’s going to be plenty of time for Q&A. I’ll coach you on anything that come up after the training.
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In just 2 hours I’ll break down everything you need to do right now to get you more views, more sales and more success with your digital products and offerings.
And we’ll do it without you every feeling salesy or icky!
The CTRL+ Refresh 2024 Instagram Strategy Workshop is January 26th at 9am CST/10AM EST. You’ll get a full recap and replay too!
You can upgrade your Instagram strategy in just 2 hours, not 2 months.
Get your ticket for just $97 AND get my 2024 Content Calendar template gratis ($49 value).
What time is the workshop and will there be a replay?
Workshop is at 10am EST on January 26th and YES you’ll get a replay for 30 days immediately following
I want 1-1 support but can’t afford your 60 minute sessions…
When you checkout for the workshop you’ll get a special offer for a 30 minute 1-1 call at a massive discount
