Fast Fwd Insta is a 90 minute workshop for entrepreneurs who want better marketing but are crunched for time and want to write better emails, sales pages that convert and captions and hooks for Instagram. Apply my Proven 8-Part Framework to use AI to generate social media and email content FAST without compromising quality.

Inside this 90 minute workshop, I’ll teach you how to:

I’ve got an 8 Step Framework that will teach you how to leverage AI to create more content that’s not generic, not monotone or cheesy and that your customers will love. 

What they're saying..

 From a Mental Health Therapist: “The more I hear your ideas, the easier it is for my brain to come up with them! Loved your Fast FWD Insta. I love that you share things that are not things you’ll find by googling but tangible ideas and statistics!” 


From a Dog Trainer: “Fast FWD Insta was amazing! I watched it today – SO helpful. Too many ideas to count! 


From a Mindfulness and Wellbeing Retreat Facilitator: Thank you for your gudiance on how to use it – I’m so thankful for your program and I feel like I (Claude) really got me in a “we are totally best friends” way 


80% of this sales page was written with AI. AI gets your voice better than expensive freelancers or prompt templates - and it converts.

The truth is, leveraging AI for business is STILL an emerging and under-utilized growth strategy that most people have yet to tap into. 

Adopting AI early will give you a key competitive advantage for your Sales Pages, Emails and Instagram Reels and Carousels.

In this workshop, you’ll gain exclusive access to my proven 8-step framework for implementing AI strategically. 

Inside I'll teach you my 8 Step Framework to use your AI Assitant for research, idea generation, hooks, caption writing and even emails and sales pages that convert!

You'll get the most out of this workshop if you are:

An entrepreneur or founder who needs a better (faster) way to come up with content ideas, repurpose old content and you’re doing it with a budget

A social media manager who needs the fastest tools to ensure you’re getting reliable results so that you can take on even more clients

A coach, or service-based business who wants to turn their ideas into content that converts without spending the time required to do so

A solopreneur that is tired of always having to come up with ideas that will get you engagement and sales on Instagram

An educator or coach that wants to start writing better emails, and subject lines that result in opens and sales

You've been doubting AI - I used to doubt it too.

I thought no way is this thing going to be able to write as well as I can or understand my tone of voice. So I created an 8 Step Framework that safegaurds the AI to get your tone, gets your messaging and doesn't come out looking like AI.

Here's a sneak peak of what that looks like:

What they're saying..

From a Marketing Coach: “This was really great Kar! It helped me a lot in launching my black Friday offer, sales page and emails. The doc of prompts is a great idea — “

From a Sleep Consultant: “Fast FWD Insta was so great! I’ve already started setting up my AI assistant with the 8 step framework you provided. Thank you so much!”

From a Graphic Designer: “I’m going to save SO. Much. Time. I can feel the weight lifting off my shoulders already!!”

From a Nutritionist: “I love your 8 step framework. Thank you for explaining AI in laymans’ terms!” 

You can leverage AI to instantly generate endless high-quality content for emails, sales pages, captions, hooks and research.

So why learn from me?

I used this exact 8-Step Framework that I’ll be teaching you to have the most successful launch of my group program – ever. I also used it to build this sales page, write the sales emails and my instagram copy for this program.

I created my own framework for AI because there was nothing I had seen besides people riding the AI bandwagon, sharing pieced-together advice and prompts that I couldn’t use strategically.

I also invested in a friend’s workshop on storytelling with AI and it opened my eyes further.

But truly, I went all in with AI because I was so effing tired of spending my Sundays and my nights writing emails, creating captions and thinking about Hooks when I wanted to be with my family instead. 

I’m an official Instagram Ambassador as part of the Instagram Creator Class of 2023 hand picked by Meta to teach others how to use Instagram effectively. 

And AI is definitely the most effective way to create content!

I can’t wait to show you what I have learned!!


This is perfect for you if....

Join today and walk away miles ahead of peers who are still stuck in outdated manual modes of content creation.

FAQs 👇🏽

You’ll get an email inviting you to my Circle community where you’ll have immediate access to Fast FWD Insta (and other bonus goodies!) 

You will need to create an account (for FREE) in order to access the workshop. 

You will have access to it for 1 year

Keep in mind, access to the workshop is inside Circle only, it is not a downloadable file. 

You’ll learn my step-by-step framework for coming up with ideas faster than you can imagine. I used these exact frameworks to make more than $15,000 in just 8 days and have emails with a higher than 50% open rate. This is the first time I’ve ever taught this publicly, so this workshop is the only place to find it.

This is a recorded workshop and you will have access to it 24/7 inside of Circle.

You’ll have access to this for 1 year from the date of purchase. 

I get it, the fancy prompt packages, AI templates and training PDFs are all the rage right now. But let’s be real – they’re basic at best. This live training will guide you step-by-step using my proven 58Step Framework to get you creating faster and better content.

You’ll be able to use this with any AI platform. 

Not just for Instagram either! This will help you with your emails as well. 

There are hundreds of Ai tools out there – I was shocked! So after playing around with 5 for I landed on the one that I found to be the most “thoughtful” and human. 

This workshop I will teach using 

Claude is free for the first few searches and then it is $20 USD per month.

You can take everything you have learned from this training and use it with any Ai platform like Chat GPT. 

Yes! If you are a current member of SD you get access to the workshop as part of your membership. 

"I have some strong opinions about social media gurus who are basically just spewing out the same old same advice that we’re seeing everywhere. Well, Kar is someone who I truly think of in her own “category of one” in the social media space. It’s very rare that I actually will recommend other events or creators, but this is one is worth an exception."
Erica Reitman
Marketing Expert, ICON Agency

If you’re ready to create engaging content without running out of ideas and maximize your content production get in today!

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. Your results will be determined by, but not limited to, a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your business savvy, financial situation, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential for income, earnings and income statements made by Kar Brulhart Inc. and its advertisers / sponsors are estimates only.