Blunt Truth Bomb: Your Content Needs Work

You’re not getting the Instagram growth and sales you want because of your content and strategy.
Your posts need work and you know it, so you’re stopping posting while you try to figure out what resonates.
Your feed is a random mix of quotes, product photos, and personal updates. You need a cohesive messaging strategy.
You don’t have a content calendar, so you’re just posting when you remember to. Instead of consistency, which creates community, it’s sporadic.
You’re trying to grow your account by following trends, but it feels inauthentic. You need to craft content that actually aligns with your brand.
Rather than quick fixes, you need a framework for long-term organic growth and sales.
But you also don’t have time to test, try and see if outdated tactics work for you!
Enter CTRL + Refresh.
My signature 120 minute workshop for entrepreneurs who want to learn my HOP Method to get more DMs and Sales without wasting time on outdated tactics.
If any of these feel a little like you you should be attending:
You’re an entrepreneur or founder who needs Instagram for marketing but have no strategy, or you just cobble it together when you do post
You’re a coach, or service-based business who wants to turn their ideas into content that converts without spending the time required to do so
You’re a solopreneur that is tired of always having to come up with ideas that will get you engagement and sales on Instagram
You’re educator or expert that needs more aligned visibility on Instagram that turns your followers into clients + (brings them into your funnel)
Messages like these after the first round have me so confident that you will also love the workshop First name / friend:
Image item

Can’t make the live? Don’t worry. The benefits are the same. You’ll get the replay as soon as we are done recording that day.
You can upgrade your Instagram strategy in just 2 hours, not 2 months.
Get your ticket for just $97 AND get my 2024 Content Calendar template gratis ($49 value).
If you have any questions or any doubts just reply back.
What time is the workshop and will there be a replay?
Workshop is at 10am EST on January 26th and YES you’ll get a replay for 30 days immediately following
I want 1-1 support but can’t afford your 60 minute sessions…
When you checkout for the workshop you’ll get a special offer for a 30 minute 1-1 call at a massive discount
