Increase your reach by leveraging Instagram’s new AI

Let’s talk about organic reach on Instagram…

When you are a new account, Instagram appears to really push your content out to a wide audience to get you hooked 😉

When you’re just getting started everything goes amazing but then after a while it drops off. 

But as my friend Jack from the Blitz Growth Podcast (where I was just a guest on, that episode is here), as these platforms need to start showing profits, they start to reduce your organic reach.

But knowing what we know about the algorithm and how it pushes out your content to a small percentage of your following to start and if that does well, it continues to push it out to a wider and wider audience the question is..

How can we increase our reach on social?

Here’s an area of opportunity for you.

You know how Instagram and TikTok have the for you page and the explore page? 

Well, in the past year Instagram has actually started showing us brand new accounts in the explore feed.

I’m noticing that I’m getting shown videos in my home feed from people that I don’t follow as well as posts. 

And a lot of these recommendations are actually things that I would probably traditionally engage with (good job AI!)

There’s an opportunity for you to think about how are you creating content that actually helps to make it easier for more people to click on you when you’re showing up in their home feed.

This is something that we have been discussing and working on inside of the Social Department in our weekly calls. 

I’ve been giving members individual feedback for their content, post by post helping them not just refine their messaging, but also giving them the low hanging fruit that they can go and implement right away.

Tomorrow I’ll share what some of those are because chances are very high you’re also doing the same things and it could be costing you.

Yesterday I told you that I am offering the first 5 people a private 1-1 30 minute strategy session so that we can get a clear roadmap for what you need to do to start seeing results on Instagram.

There are only 2 spots left if you sign up for The Social Department by midnight today June 20th. You can also just hit reply here and we’ll save your spot.

The Social Department is group coaching where you get personalized feedback and action items on your Instagram strategy both in the calls and off the calls in our private community portal. 

To sign up for the yearly plan click here

To sign up for First-Class (monthly) click here

If you have any questions let me know!