It’s probably time to start a new account

I’m back in Mexico City after losing power for 3 full days in 38 celcius / 100+ Fahrenheit weather and still find myself playing a bit of catch up.
My dad has been visiting with us for the past week and so we went to visit some of our oldest family friends who retired in a small town near Merida. 
What I want to share today is what I have been seeing over and over again lately with my clients. 
It’s a pattern that I’m noticing and I think it’s worth talking about because it could very likely be affecting you or someone you know (maybe even a client).
And that is, should you start a new account on Instagram?
I have never had to advise so many people to start new accounts. 
And it’s not because I am all about the vanity metrics (you know this). It’s because I’m finding that more and more accounts have become so “corrupt” – like an old computer full of malware and old software that’s likely a virus..
Here’s what I mean, and I’ll share some signs to look out for.
It’s likely time to start a new account if:

-You’ve engaged in follow for follow (either currently or in the past)

-You purchased followers

-You used an agency or a third-party service to gain followers

-You went viral and attracted thousands of followers over a short period of time a while ago

-You have a following over 2,000 but your views are stuck around the low 200s on ReelsFor example:
*My client had just over 5,000 followers and her Reels views were only getting around 197 views (major red flag as this is so disproportionate).
*She started a new account and in just 2 weeks she has 100 new followers and more views on all of her Reels!

-The majority of your followers are not in your country of residence:
*You live in the US but your followers are mainly in India, Iran or Nigeria for example
*If you have previously used your account as a personal account and it’s full of friends and family and they don’t engage OR if you have switched niches significantly.
There’s so many factors that go into my analysis before I advise people to start new accounts, so if any of these are sending sirens off in your head don’t hesitate to book a call with me so that we can identify the problem, and come up with a solid plan to get your account back on track OR a strategy for starting over.
Alright, I gotta run…I’m in a whirlwind right now preparing for opening the doors to my Social Department group program on Thursday and definitely burning the midnight oil…
But I still wanted to write you your weekly spritz (I had one last night at dinner – we had Napoli pizzas!)
If you have any questions feel free to reply. 
I’ll see you soon!