I’ve been thinking about posting frequency on Instagram, both because I was posting up to twice a day during my open cart for my program and because I have only posted twice this week and it has got me standing strong in what I’ve been saying for the past nearly three years.

I don’t believe in posting every day. 

What if instead, we all stopped asking ‘What should I post today?’ and started asking ‘Do I have something worth sharing?’

Tell me: Have you ever felt the pressure to post just to stay ‘consistent’?”

No more ‘filler’ content.

No more posting just to hit a quota.

No more content calendar anxiety.

Instead, I ask myself one question before every post:

‘Do I have something worth saying, or am I just saying something?’

Here’s what happened:

My creative energy skyrocketed

When I stopped treating content like a daily checkbox, real inspiration had room to breathe. Those random ‘what if we tried this?’ moments? They turned into my highest-performing posts.

Quality naturally improved

With more time between posts, each piece of content got the attention it deserved. No more rushing to fill slots.

Engagement went up

Turns out, your audience can feel the difference between content you HAD to create versus content you were EXCITED to create.

Want to try posting less? Here’s your permission slip:

• Start with a 30-day test

• Create a quick-response system for when inspiration strikes (I love my new Notion Calendar template for this)

• Only post what genuinely excites you

• Track it monthly

• Trust that quality will win over quantity

Because here’s the truth: No one’s counting your posts. They’re counting on your value.

No more filler content